The 24th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2022)
November 30 - December 2, 2022
(Onsite face-to-face conference, allowing those who cannot attend to present their papers online)
From Digital Societies to Open Liberal Education
The International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL), which started in Hong Kong in 1998 and, over the years, traveled to many countries in the Asia-Pacific region, is known as a significant digital library conference. Along with JCDL and TPDL, ICADL is held annually as one of the three top venues for connecting digital library, computer science, and library and information science communities.
This year ICADL will be held from November 30th to December 2nd, 2022 in Hanoi, Vietnam (Hanoi time zone), as an onsite face-to-face conference but allows those who cannot attend to present their papers online and join sessions. ICADL2022 will be held in conjunction with Asia-Pacific Chapter of iSchools (AP-iSchools). A graduate student symposium will also be held with the Asia-Pacific Chapter of iSchools (AP-iSchools) and A-LIEP communities.
Under the COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned that online opportunities give us a new normal lifestyle. We believe that new and fair innovations, mechanisms, and systems are necessary for realizing digital societies which can provide us all with well-rounded liberal education to become lifelong learners. Therefore, the theme for ICADL 2022 is"From Digital Societies to Open Liberal Education". ICADL 2022 will provide an opportunity for researchers from not only Asia-Pacific regions but also all over the world to exchange and discuss their ideas together across different domains to achieve an innovative digital information environment. Attendees are encouraged to join ICADL2022 in-person, or online if physical attendance is difficult. Registration is still required for either way of participation prior to the conference.
The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper will be awarded by the Program Committee among the accepted full papers. In addition, same as the last year, selected best papers are planned to be invited for a special issue to be published in the International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), Springer.
Call for Papers
Proceedings of ICADL 2022will be publishedby Springer as an LNCS volume, which is indexed by Scopus. This year, we have the following submission categories:full research papers, short research papers, andpractice papersas well asdemo/poster papers.
At least 3 Program Committee members will review each submission. The review for practice paper submissions will put less emphasis on the novelty and more on real-world practices and applications of DL technologies in institutions or companies. Sufficient time will be given to the oral presentation for accepted papers in all submission categories. Each accepted paper must be presented by at least one of the co-authors.
If there is any interest in organizing workshops, tutorials, and panel sessions with ICADL 2022, we will consider them on request. Please contact the conference organizers (icadl2022@easychair.org) with your proposal. The information about the accepted events will be put on the conference website, and we will encourage attendees to join the events.
We invite submissions on diverse topics related to digital libraries and related fields including, but not limited to:
Information Technologies, Data Science & Applications
AI for digital libraries
IoT and digital libraries
Distributed Ledger Technologies for digital libraries
Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality, Metaverse for digital libraries
Natural language processing techniques in digital collections
Knowledge discovery from digital library’s content
Recommender systems for digital library’s content
Infrastructures & development of Web Archives
Data science techniques
Information retrieval and access technologies to digital collections
Data mining and information extraction
Semantic Web, linked data, and metadata technologies
Ontologies and knowledge organization systems
Applications and quality assurance of digital libraries
Research data and open access
Visualization, user interface, and user experience
Social networking and collaborative interfaces in digital libraries
Personal information management and personal digital libraries
Information service technologies in digital libraries
Bibliometrics and scholarly communication in digital libraries
Curation and preservation technologies in digital libraries
Information organization support
Cultural Information, Digital Humanities, & Scholarly Data Analysis
Cultural heritage access and analysis
Digital history
Scholarly data analysis
Access and usage of Web Archives
Community Informatics
Cultural heritage and museum informatics
Collaborations among archives, libraries, and museums
Collection development and discovery
Digital cultural memory initiatives
Memory organizations in the digital space
Digital preservation and digital curation
Digital library/digital archive infrastructures
Digital library education and digital literacy
Higher education uses of digital collections
Research data infrastructures, management, and use
Information policies
Participatory cultural heritage
Social-Informatics and Socio-Technological Issues in Digital Libraries
Data analytics for social networks
Socio-technical aspects of digital libraries
Sustainability of digital libraries
Research methods for digital libraries during social isolation times
Roles of digital libraries for isolated societies
Digital libraries for learning, collaboration, and organization in the networked environment
Societal and cultural issues in knowledge, information, and data
Intellectual freedom, censorship, misinformation
Intellectual property issues
Policy, legal, and ethical concerns for digital libraries
Social, legal, ethical, financial issues of Web Archives
Social policy issues on digital libraries
Information behavior analysis
Social science
Information work and digital libraries
Information economics and digital libraries
Education with digital libraries
Participatory cultures and digital libraries
Digital scholarship and services
Open data initiatives and utilization
All submissions must be in English, and submitted as PDF. Papers should follow Springer Computer Science Proceedings guidelines (https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines). All papers are to be submitted via the conference’s EasyChair submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icadl2022).
The lengths of submissions should be as follows:
Full papers: 12-14 pages + references
Short papers: 6-8 pages + references
Practice papers: 6-8 pages + references
Demo/poster papers: 4-6 pages + references
Important Dates
Full, Short Research and Practice Papers Submission:July 1, 2022
Acceptance Notification (All paper categories):August 20, 2022
Camera Ready Copy of Papers:September 20, 2022
Attendee and Author Information Registration Deadline:November 10, 2022
Conference:November 30 - December 2, 2022
Conference Organization
Conference co-chairs:
lNguyen Hoang Son (Library and Digital Knowledge Center, Vietnam National University, Vietnam)
lShigeo Sugimoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Program Committee co-chairs:
Yuen-Hsien Tseng (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Marie Katurai (Doshisha University, Japan)
Hoa N. Nguyen (VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam)
Publicity co-chairs:
Ricardo Campos (INESC TEC; Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal)
Songphan Choemprayong (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Adam Jatowt (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Hao-Ren Ke (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan)
Akira Maeda (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
Maciej Ogrodniczuk (The Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)